Camping Safety
It’s fun until someone gets hurt.
Let’s keep it fun.
Fresh air, clear water and birdsong. Today, more people are heating outdoors for rest, relaxation, adventure and restoration. In the past five years alone, over one-third of the adults in the United States have gone on a camping trip.
No matter what level of camping comfort you enjoy, there are always risks and hazards. On average, there are over 30,000 injuries treated in emergency rooms each year, and doctors treat an additional 75,000 camping-related injuries per year. As an example, From 2007 through 2024 the U.S. National parks reported a total of 4,213 deaths, averaging approximately 248 deaths per year.
The most common camping-related injuries reported by hospital emergency rooms nationwide include: cuts and abrasions from handling sharp objects, musculoskeletal injuries from sprains and strains from uneven terrain, burns from campfires, insect bites, head injuries from falls, minor lacerations from cooking incidents with the majority being minor and treated with basic first aid like bandages and over the counter medications.
Campers must keep in mind that taking fuel burning appliances inside enclosures pose a risk of Carbon Monoxide exposure which can lead to illness and even death. Appliances include portable outdoor propane heaters, cookstoves, lanterns as well as barbeque grills and portable generators. To be safe never use these products indoors!
Keep the fun in camping. Be sure to take the necessary safety precautions.
Important Safety Tips: