Indoor-Safe Heaters Bring Comfort on Chilly Nights For Fall Weather Campers
Enjoying the colorful panoramas of a golden Autumn and those last few days of outdoor fun is an annual draw for fall campers returning to their favorite campgrounds long after the summer campers have packed it in for the winter.
With over 4,124 campgrounds and RV parks nationwide*, there are plenty of choices for planning a weekend getaway to hike, fish, hunt or kayak.
However, fall nights can also bring falling temperatures and the possibility of a bone-chilling rain that can keep campers huddled inside their tents, truck caps and trailers to keep warm.
Today, portable propane heaters are now available that are designed to significantly reduce the risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning for safe temporary heat inside tents, cabins and other outdoor shelters. When purchasing a portable propane heater, be sure to read all product packaging, operating instructions and safety guidelines carefully to find out if heater is designated safe for indoor use.
Outdoor-only designated propane products like tank-top heaters, camp stoves, lanterns and grills, are designed to be used only outdoors, in freely ventilated areas. They should never be used inside, especially while sleeping.
When searching for an Indoor safe heater, check to see if the heater has an oxygen depletion system (ODS) that shuts off gas flow automatically if fresh air circulation is reduced below a safe level.
Indoor safe portable propane heaters use disposable 1lb. propane cylinders to operate in well-ventilated enclosures when instructions and warnings accompanying the product are properly followed.
Campers should also be cautious to never use any “outdoor-only” propane-fueled camping product inside a tent, cabin, camper, truck cap, trailer, RV or other enclosure.
Propane heaters and camp stoves designed for outdoor-only use are identified as such on product cartons and in operating instructions. These products tend to burn fuel at a high rate and rapidly consume oxygen for combustion, which produces Carbon Monoxide (CO) as a byproduct. When outdoor-only propane products are used improperly inside, people run the serious risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, especially if these products are used overnight while sleeping.
Carbon monoxide poisoning, which can easily be mistaken for a cold or flu, is often detected too late. Know the symptoms: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness and confusion. Campers who experience any of these symptoms should extinguish any possible source of CO and move immediately to an area with fresh air.
Campers are urged to follow these tips to remain safe when camping in colder weather:
- Always read the manufacturer’s packaging and operating instructions
for proper use and proper ventilation. - Heaters labeled or identified as “outdoor-use only” must never be used indoors or in enclosed areas such as tents, campers, houses and vehicles.
No matter how cold, no fuel-burning appliance should be operated overnight in an enclosed area while sleeping, even products labeled indoor-safe. To keep warm overnight, stick with the basics:
- Eat a good meal – especially one rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat – to get your inner furnace going.
- Wear layers of clothing to bed. Keep your head covered to avoid loss of body heat.
- Use a foam mat or cot to eliminate ground chill and moisture.
- Use a sleeping bag designed for cold weather camping.
*Source: SafeGraph.com 2022